
由 Mythic 所開發的 MMORPG《戰鎚Online》,近期除了已與 Bioware 完成合併事宜,各自的開發主力遊戲也馬不停蹄的在趕工中;《戰鎚Online》預計將在近期推出 Patch 1.3,而 Bioware 則是在開發《星際大戰:舊共和國》。

  在《戰鎚Online》美版官網之「Grab Bag」(專門釋放一些開發情報的區域頁面)中,第 20 期的資料指出,遊戲開發人員 Jess Folsom 對即將到來的 Patch 1.3 進行了一些解說,除了即將被改動最大的符文祭司及邪神修士技能項目外,她也回應了一則關於伺服器的情況消息,透露了驚人的情報:

Q. Have you all ever considered reworking the server populations to be relative to all servers instead of a static number? Servers like Phoenix Throne, Dark Crag, and Iron Rock would be High (though they may be far from the limit), and players would have a better idea of the mid and low servers. Also, basing it off active (past two weeks) R40's instead of all players would get an even better snapshot to compare with.

A. That’s a great question, and that is an idea we have evaluated in the past. The concern with scaling the population display so that it is relative is that we might show a server population as “High” when it actually isn’t, because it just happens to have the highest population at that time. We do not wish these labels to be misleading in any way. That being said, we are expecting to resolve our long term population issues on our lower population servers and see high populations regularly as part and parcel of server merges that are currently in discussion.

  大意是說,原廠正在試著解決某些伺服器人口分佈的問題,不排除未來有可能因為要解決此問題,再度進行合併伺服器之可能性。在 2009 年 4 月 9 日的遊戲基地所報導之新聞「《戰鎚Online》官方表示不再關閉任何歐洲伺服器」消息提及,Mythic 曾於 3 月 12 日進行了大規模合併伺服器作業,未來不再關閉任何歐洲伺服器,而今卻出現了如此令人意外的答案,是否暗示著北美的伺服器有再度合併之可能性?


  無論如何,玩家樂觀見到 Patch 1.3 大規模修改後之重要改版更新的那天到來。目前《戰鎚Online》暫定七月底進行台版的改版更新,屆時將會有更多關於古墓之王此次改版的情報釋出。


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